More than just a counselling session….



Discernment counselling is a form of relationship therapy that is useful when you and your partner have mixed agenda’s about your relationship. That is one of you may be wanting your relationship to continue (leaning in) whilst the other partner may be wanting to separate (leaning out). In these cases there is a maximum of five sessions conducted to clarify each partners intent around the relationship and at the end of each session each partner has the opportunity to cease sessions, so you are not committed to ongoing sessions but you attend no more than 5 sessions in total.


Sex Therapy

Whether you are experiencing sexual difficulties or pain that you would like to address, recovering from sexual trauma, are confused about your sexuality or sexual identity, wanting to improve your sex life, either solo or partnered or would like to enhance your sexual pleasure and level of sexual literacy and education, Alex is experienced and trained in addressing all of these issues. Alex has a Masters in Science in Medicine in Sexual Health Counselling and is a member of ASSERT, SAS and WAS with a passion for assisting all individuals in obtaining a fulfilling sex life that is satisfying to them. Many individuals do not realise the extent that psychological distress and trauma can both impact on their sexual enjoyment, as well as be relieved by, their sexual activity, solo or partnered - come along and have a chat to Alex about your concerns and see how an issue around sex is just as easy and comfortable to discuss as an issue of anxiety or job stress, or going to the Doctors for an antibiotic for a sore throat. Our bodies and their function are awesome and so are we, so it is important we understand how they work, what they need and what suits them best to help them run to the best of their ability.


Marathon Counselling

Sometimes your relationship benefits from a couple of days of intensive therapy and Alex is able to accommodate this. Attending couples therapy on a weekly or fortnightly basis can lose momentum in progress and sometimes couples would prefer to attend to their relationship intensively over 2-3 days, however would prefer not to attend a retreat in a group of couples. This is where marathon counselling takes place. Marathon counselling involves intensive counselling at a retreat location, just between you as a couple and your therapist working on your relationship for a pre-agreed period of time, with no interruptions. For further information on how marathon counselling takes place and to obtain a quote, please contact Alex on the contact form to discuss further.

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Couples Therapy

Relationship therapy is another of Lexi’s passions as the heart of connection and groundedness as human beings comes from the fact that we are social creatures that thrive in healthy relationships. Lexi is experienced in relationship therapy of all types including same sex relationships, heterosexual relationships, family and parent/child relationship therapy, and other non traditional unions and is well versed in utilised some non traditional methods of getting parties to a relationship on the same page - including the use of sand play therapy, somatic therapy and some other activities that stretch relationships out of their comfort zone.


Trauma Therapy

Lexi has extensive training and over 20 years experience in the treatment of Trauma of all types. Lexi has worked with all arms of our emergency personnel and armed forces, as well as having spent time on call as a critical incident trauma therapist. Her training work with PTSD lead her in to the heartwarming work of supporting recovery from Complex or Chronic PTSD and Lexi has trained both in Australia, as well as attending training in Europe to ensure her skills, knowledge and abilities remain current and of the highest quality for her clients. Lexi also makes it her business to understand the use and mechanism of the various psychotropic medications, to ensure she is able to support clients by working as collaboratively as possible with their medical treatment team. Trauma recovery is one of Lexi ’s passions in her work and her eclectic, client centred approach stands out amongst her clients as safe and reliable.


Individual Counselling Sessions

Lexi offers Individual Counselling sessions that are dynamic and client centred for all types of issues and concerns. Whatever the symptoms are that you are wanting to address, our one on one counselling sessions provide a warm and comfortable environment that allows clear identification of what needs to be addressed in a safe and manageable way with the support you need to achieve your goals.


Self Empowerment

Whether you are finding your feet again after a broken relationship, changing careers, re-entering the workforce after parenting, or maybe this is the first time you have ever had a chance to focus on you and see what makes you tick - one of Lexi ’s passions is to assist you with the process of self empowerment and securing a strong sense of self so that you can restore faith in your ability to cope in whatever situation may come your way in life - no matter what. Alex does this through one on one sessions as well as weekend retreats and series workshops that are dynamic, client centred and lots of fun.


Clinical Supervision

Lexi, along with Sashi, provides supervision in both counselling and clinical skills, debriefing in relation to your clinical duties regardless of clinical background, peer supervision groups as well as individual supervision, and Lexi provides clinical supervision in sex therapy and trauma treatment.

Supervision is provided on an individual and group basis and can provide online where appropriate. Simply contact for more information and to discuss your supervision needs.

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Sessions conducted Face to Face or Online

With client’s throughout Australian and the world, conducting sessions both face to face and over Skype, zoom or WhatsApp, depending upon the reliability of the wifi signal in your location at the time of the session and privacy of same. Online sessions are convenient not only when geographical distance is an issue but also when babysitters are difficult to obtain for couples therapy and when defence members are posted away from home or when you are recovering from illness, injury or have other mobility difficulties.


Department of Veterans Affairs and Workers Compensation

Equanimity have more than one clinician experienced in both DVA and Workers Compensation work and is registered with WorkSafe/SIRA and DVA for billing purposes. If you are a current or former member of ADF or have a workers compensation claim that you require psychological counselling for, just contact our office to make your appointment.


Still Unsure?

If you are still not sure if we can help, why not send us a message and ask and we will certainly guide you in the right direction!